Friday, January 6, 2017

First 24-ish Hours

Another crazy day. Maybe not "crazy" exactly, just busy and more to do than I expected. It seems like it has been more than one day. Has it really only been 24 hours since my last post? Wow... and I thought I was tired before. haha I've heard it's a bigger change going from 1 to 2 kiddos than it is going from 2 to 3 kiddos. Let's just say, going from one to two was enough of a change in a short time.

When my alarm went off this morning I wasn't even sure I'd slept. I was a bit confused as to why it was going off so soon after I closed my eyes. The girls, on the other hand, seemed to sleep peacefully.

Lacey (our newest addition) hopped right up and was eager to go for the day. Maddie, not so much. Big surprise there. A couple more tries and she was out of bed, too.

I walked to my bathroom to brush my teeth while they were getting ready. I turn around and there is Lacey with a dress. "Can I wear this?!" She asked with an eager smile. It's a snowy 10ish degrees here. How do I tell her no without hurting her feelings? As carefully and caring as I could, that's how. I explain that it's too cold out for a dress; I don't want her to be cold. Let's pick something else.

The "something else" turned into a bit of a process. She had just gotten a new Hello Kitty short-sleeved shirt and leggings. Her second choice. Umm... again, it's 10 degrees... I thought let's throw some jeans on under the shirt (no thicker leggings to choose from) and add a sweater. Do you know how hard it is to match Hello Kitty pink? Pretty dang hard it turns out! A couple trip ups later, she has one of Maddie's thin jackets stuffed into her backpack, just in case she gets cold. Hair in a pony and boots picked out to wear. No toothbrush.

Her caseworker shows up to transport her to school (I'll spare you more details lol). She would stop by the office to pick up a toothbrush.  She informs me that we will be transferring her to our school district, and I'll need to sign a form. She will let her school know this will be her last day and I'll be there to pick her up at the end of the day. OK... I didn't take it as a definite, right now kinda thing. For some reason I was expecting that process on her end to be lengthy and she'd let me know more later.

Afternoon rolls around and still no sign or call. I text to confirm the plan. No answer. A bit later (sorry, I honestly have no idea of time) I call. No answer. By this time it is getting closer to 2... I'm thinking if I have to get things signed at the school I need to know a definite. Thankfully she calls back within a few minutes. Off to the school office it is.

To make a long story simi-short all the paperwork gets signed and turned into our school district. It's after 3 by now. We make a mad dash to Maddie's school so we don't miss her getting off the bus at home (we're not there!). I brief the secretary that they'll more than likely have a new student Monday (the lady at the central office seemed to think it would be finished in time).

Rushing to get to Lacey's school by 3:35 pm when they let out. We didn't quit make that time, but all was fine there. The ladies in this office hand me a packet of papers and say this is all her new school will need. OK. I explained the other school should be faxing them a form or emailing one to give permission for the papers to be transferred. I don't really understand why but they really wanted me to hand deliver this packet, and almost refused to fax them. I still don't get it. I guess they thought it'd be faster this way.....?? All still seemed well.

As we're on our way home the phone rings. It's the new school. Hmmm... not too concerned, figured it was just a question or 2. The secretary informs me she spoke to the principal and since her papers are not there they can't, by law, let her start Monday. (Insert head banging here. Thanks other school for not also faxing) I gladly offer to bring her the packet, we're in the car anyway. Apparently there are some kind of updates they have to make to their system for new students; it's lengthy I take it. The necessary people to make those updates are already gone for the day.... No school for Lacey Monday AND I still have to hand deliver the papers to the school Monday.  lol

Fast forward a few hours. It's 8 o'clock and we're at Wal-Mart. Why, you ask? A toothbrush.

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