Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My "Aunt" disappears...

Right after the Wedding, I forget exactly how long, I went off my BC. We were not TRYING, but we were ok if it happened. Soon after we were married my periods just stopped. For about 3 months or so. My mom worked at the Ob/gyn's office so she would communicate what was happening to the doctor. She told me to take a pregnancy test- of course BFN (negative). She said try a First Morning Urine pregnancy test-- again BFN. She gave me a shot of progesterone in oil. This happened the same was for those 3 months..... I had to get the shot to have a cycle. In December a friend of my mom's who happened to work in the OB department of the Hospital decided she wanted to do an ultra sound on me. She didn't see anything. Another shot of progesterone for me.

During this time the Doctor had done exams on me (of course). She thought or suspected I had PCOS, but I didn't have any health insurance at the time. I didn't get the official testing done, she just assumed that's what it was.

Later on a few months we decided we wanted to TRY and were really upset when it didn't happen. She gave me Clomid at 50mg, and another Rx to work with it (I forget the name!), nothing happened. Another cycle started-- another Rx of Clomid at 50mg..... again, nothing. The Third month we decided to double up on the Clomid, 100mg while watching for O (like usual).......... Nothing. I was crushed, beyond words. That was it, I was done. I couldn't do it anymore.

In July I think it was, we found out Michael's cousin was pregnant. We were excited for them, but sad for us. We decided to take a big break and let her have her time. Somewhere around this time my mom decided she was going to start Weight Watchers, and wanted some support. So I did it with her.... Over the Summer I had lost about 30 pounds. I didn't think much of it, just kept going along.......

December 2005- Christmas Time with the In-laws. My hubby's sister's Boyfriend (and baby's dad) decided to propose.... I was more emotional than she was. I shed a few tears and they asked why I was crying. I didn't know! lol Christmas Eve, everyone was sick with flu-like symptoms, just really sick. I didn't feel so well, but didn't think anything of that either. I never threw up, just felt awful.

On Christmas morning, for some crazy reason, I decided I would "test" - I didn't expect anything. I took the first test....... a dot and a line..... A DOT and a line?! WTH? I asked hubby what he thought. He was still half asleep and said "it looks like 4 to me!" hmmm....? I took another test-- looked like 2 lines to me... Hubby agreed. I called my mom and told her I need her to come look at my FMU. She said "Your what?!" My First morning urine... "Your first morning urine.... your urine?!" "Yes, mom my first morning urine.... My FIRST urine of the day! My FMU... Mom, my FMU!" "Your first morning urine..??.... Oh!!, Oh, oh, ooohhhh, oh, ok!!! I'll be right there!!" She got there and I dipped another test-- Quickly came up 2 lines! Soooo exciting!!!!!!

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