Thursday, March 31, 2011

A little about me

I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, an Aunt, and a friend. I believe in God! I believe he has a plan for me... even though he won't tell me what that plan is. :) I believe I was put on this Earth for some great purpose, again, no idea what that is yet.... Other than being Mommy to my daughter and hopefully future kids.

I love PAPER CRAFTS!! If I could do anything paper related ALL day long I would; Maddie would be right there with me (I'm slowly creating a monster hehehe). Scrapbooking is my passion, I might not be great or making money from it (more like losing money lol), but it's what I enjoy. I also have recently started card & ATC making, and I also quill. Lots and lots of fun. My husband says I need an intervention, but he never says "No" when I ask if I can buy something new (if we have the money of course)! lol :)

 I also love stories, reading, and listening to the older generations tell stories of their youth, especially my G-ma. I wish I could remember everything she's ever told me, write it down, or scribble it in a notebook for the future, and my daughter. Once they are gone, that is it... no more chances.

I'm also a TV junkie, I hardly WATCH it, but I have it on all the time... just in the background. I love games- board games or Wii games, and especially silly made up games with Maddie.

This blog is going to be my ramblings, mostly about PCOS (a vicious, evil, women's rights-stealing syndrome) and also a little about my life, life with Maddie. A bit of a diary and remembering the past.

I once read a quote, something like "If you write to yourself you also write to an eternal public".... That's ok. At least there will be something from me left when I'm gone. :)

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