Thursday, May 11, 2017

I'm a worrier. Big surprise

This has been a rough week for me, emotionally. Seemingly out of the blue the baby is at his first overnight with his mom. Monday the caseworker wasn't on board, but today he's at an overnight? I don't understand.

 There have just been some concerns surrounding the baby and his safety during visits, imo. I emailed the caseworker on a Friday night, I think it was, to voice my concerns. Monday my licensing worker (who I'd copied onto the email) emailed me saying she sent the email onto the caseworker's supervisor. Finally after a week of no response (after sending a text the week before) she responded.. She later called, too. We seemed to be on the same page. She understood my concerns and seemed to validate them. I thought .... well, I'm not sure actually. She just seemed to be thinking the same way I was... overnights did not seem like the next step just yet.

Yesterday the visit was supposed to end at 5 pm. When mom picked him up I asked if she'd be back at 5. She said she wasn't sure, but she'd let us know. I knew the cw (caseworker) was going for a visit at mom's, so I assumed this might be the reason she wasn't sure. Five o'clock rolls around with no text or call as to when they'd be home. At 5:30 I sent mom a text; no response. (This is not the first time they've been late. However, they aren't usually this late.) I'm more annoyed at this point that they haven't let me know what's going on. I then text the cw, who tells me she left there at 4, but she text them.... Finally at almost 6:30 they bring him home, no explanation (again) of why they were late. Then mom asks if cw has called about Sunday (Mother's day). And mentions something about an overnight.

She left and I panicked, but thought maybe she'd misunderstood.  No. The caseworker texts today saying they're having an overnight tonight. WHAT?!? Was I dreaming the phone call where she didn't recommend overnights? WHAT CHANGED?! I'm not sure of my response, but I tried to be nicer than I felt like being. I did not understand. The cw tried to reassure me "she's ready." Umm, if you say so..? Then proceeds to let me know it's not a regular visit on Sunday, it's another overnight. Are you kidding me? Can we please just get through the first overnight before we schedule the next...

Don't get me wrong. I am all for reunification of the kids, but when the bio parents are ready and able. Let's not rush this delicate process. In the beginning of this case we were told we would have him in our care for at least 6 months if not longer than a year. It's only been a couple months. This seems to be speeding out of control. I'm praying that I'm just a natural born worrier and everything is progressing along at a normal pace and above all he's safe and well taken care of.

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