Sunday, March 26, 2017

Life is unfair.

As I watched the movie Trolls with Maddie, again, I was overwhelmed with emotion... From the Trolls movie? Idk. Anyway.

I sat there rocking and caring for a baby that isn't mine; I couldn't help but feel so confused and emotional. There is no way this baby's mom has grasped what an amazing gift she was given and seemingly almost threw away. I can't figure out why things work out the way they do. Certain things just don't add up or make sense to me. How could a woman ever carry a baby, a life, inside her and do anything that wouldn't be the absolute best for that little life?

A very good friend of mine lost her baby due to an early miscarriage, while a baby was born to a woman who was not at all ready to be a mom. (That's the nicest way I can put it. Not what I really wanted to say...) Why do some women get such an amazing gift who seem so undeserving while others endure such pain and heartache? Or even that empty, yearning feeling so many face? This "part" of life will never make sense to me. I know God has a plan, and there is a reason for this unfairness... but for now that doesn't bring much comfort or understanding.

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